Children & Youth Ministry

Helping to develop today's youth to become strong and Holy Spirit led leaders for tomorrow.
Ministry DirectorMrs. Hannah Greene

Our Mission

The Children and Youth Ministry of Freedom Word Church exists to teach and develop young people who: make Jesus their Lord and Savior; are baptized with water; are baptized with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues; have a daily walk with God through His Word and prayer; and are committed to serving and participating in fellowship with the local body of believers on their own initiative following high school graduation.

Our vision

To be a ministry that equips youth to become adults in full pursuit of the will of God for their lives.

we will accomplish our mission and vision by providing:

  • Sunday morning and Wednesday evening classes for children (from birth through twelfth grade) that teaches Word of Faith curriculum in age-appropriate, exciting, and interactive ways.
  • Activities that provide relationship-building fellowship and fun, both inside and outside of regular classes.
  • Opportunities to serve throughout the church and to find their places in the Body of Christ.

Our Classes

T.L.C Nursery: Birth to 3-Yrs.

Our nursery aims to give babies and toddlers Tender Loving Care in an atmosphere focused on praise and worship. We also emphasize Christian character in manners (sharing, kindness, etc.) learning ABC’s and hearing about God’s love and His Creation. The children are prayed for, and they will hear and sing songs to and about our Lord Jesus Christ. We do puzzles, coloring, snack time, and interactive play time!

"Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise."
— Matthew 21:16 

Faith Walkers: 4th-8th Grade (9-13 Yrs.)

The focus of this ministry is to teach the children how to use the Word of God to live a life of faith everyday. In class we have an illustrated sermon which includes visual aides, review games, puppet skits, and other fun activities to help instill the Word of God into the children’s hearts and minds. We believe it is important and vital to teach our children foundational biblical truths.

"We walk by faith, not by sight. "
— 2 Corinthians 5:7 

Kids 4 Christ: Preschool-3rd Grade (4-8yrs.)

Here children learn the basics of God’s love-that He loves us, and we can love Him too! We also emphasize Bible stories and building Christian character. We sing songs, hear Bible stories, have snack, learn memory verses, and discover how to weave our faith into our own lives!

"...God is Love..." 
— 1 John 4:7-8 

ignite teens: 9th-12th grade (14-18 yrs.)

IGNITE exists to reach the youth of Central Virginia, for them to experience and know God's love, to care for one another, and to help them discover their spiritual gifts and God's purpose for their life. We meet each Sunday morning directly following praise and worship except for the last Sunday of each month, family Sunday.

"Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. ."  
— 1 Timothy 4:12