The heavens declare the

glory of God

and the sky above proclaims

his handiwork.

Psalm 19:1

VBS Wild Life REgistration is Now Open!

Our registration for this Summer's VBS is now open.
You may register your child to participate. We are also accepting registration for volunteers (both teens and adults).
You can use the VBS Wild Life navigational tab at the top of this page to access our registration forms.

Looking to dig in deeper in your Walk with Christ?

Attend our discipleship class, Life Foundations.
9-9:40AM in the Fellowship Hall
May Classes: 5/12 + 5/26
(*NOTE: There will be no classes held over the Summer break -- Classes will resume in September)

The Hankins Are Coming to Town!

Sunday, May 5 - Wednesday, May 8
Accompanied by:
The Vandivers + Mynista
Our nursery is available for children up to age 4.
Each service we gather together with one purpose-to pursue the heart of God with all that we possess.  Through praise and worship we seek to reveal the presence and power of God and create an atmosphere for Him to move in our midst.
"But You are holy, enthroned in the praises of Israel (your people)."
- Psalm 22:3 (NKJV)
We are a Word of Faith Church dedicated to reaching the Central Virginia Region and beyond with the Full Gospel through teaching, worship, and ministry to people of all ages and races. 
We want people to EXPERIENCE PENTECOST! Through powerful praise and worship, a family-friendly atmosphere, relevant Bible teaching, and a strong emphasis on the move of the Holy Spirit, we desire for people to be blessed and successful in every area of their lives—naturally, spiritually, physically, financially, and socially. 

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